Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My bucketlist

MY Bucketlist
What a crazy blog subject right? I made the decision to do a blog simply to keep me accountable to these tasks. Since the internet is such a wonderful place to share information I figure, eh why not. Why not start a blog that charts my journey. on December 16, 2011 I will turn 29 years old. I have accomplished a lot in my 28 years on this Earth I am proud of. But there are things I have always wanted to do that I have never done simply out of fear. So I am going to document my 31 year old bucket list.

Here is my list:
  1. 1.Go to Epcot again and try foods in every countries pavillion 
  2. Revisit Orland Florida and experience Universal ,sea world and disney world with fresh eyes. meet the infamous dolphin who stole my heart on dolphin tale.
  3. make and set up a you tube page and sing the songs I have been singing all my life.
  4. get a steady Job again.
  5.  Pursue my passion and hobbys.
  6. make a diffrence in the world
  7. Go a month without making a single purchase.
  8. learn how to properly cook
  9. Be a everyday organized person
  10. sort through my closet and donate some of my clothes( working on this currently)
  11. master photoshop
  12. Become a brand ambassador for one of my favorite companies.
  13. Perform 30 acts of kindness.
  14. Lose 5 lbs Total
  15. Lose 10 lbs Total
  16. Lose 15 lbs Total
  17. Lose 20 lbs Total
  18. Lose 25 lbs Total
  19. Lose 30 lbs Total
  20. Lose 35 lbs Total
  21. Lose 40 lbs Total
  22. Lose 45 lbs Total
  23. Lose 50 lbs Total
  24. Identify someone who has inspired you the most in your life. Let him/her know how much he/she has inspired you to those I have already told Thank you for listening.!
  25. Experience a sunset( Most beautiful thing in the world when your on deaths door
  26. Experience a sunrise something you NEVER take for granted when you are awake the next day.
  27. Get a complete makeover (change everything, from your hair style, hair color, image, clothes) and get a different look:  one which you would never have thought of trying!
  28. Act in a film (self production or otherwise)
  29. Get featured on TV/radio/print/newspapers for an achievement you are proud of
  30. Tell at least 10 people about your bucket list and encourage them to do the same
  31. Bury the hatchet with all the enemies / people you had conflict with in the past or now( working on this currently)
  32. Have dinner with someone you had only dreamed of meeting My celeb list is shiort when it comes to this how ever Im embarressed to eat in front of people)
  33. Tell your parents (and siblings too if you have them) that you love them.= Life is short tell them no matter whats going on end the conversation or during that you love them no matter what!
  34.  Learn to play tennis.
  35. Compose a song.
  36. Learn how to put on fake eyelashes and make myself completly dolled up by my self.
  37. learn to walk in heels
  38. Celebrate my Birthday /be a princess for a day.
  39. Buy a bow from magical ribbins
  40. become a disney face character
  41. get accepted in the disney college program
  42.  get kissed in front of disneyworl/cinderellas castle

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